Vanessa Kay Smith, better known as Lil'Tokyo is an aspiring author who is striving to be world-renowned. Her very first novel published "My Mind's Telling Me No" is now available for purchase at, and on Amazon Kindle.
Monday, April 30, 2012
No Sex - Does it make or break a relationship?
You have been in a relationship for two years or more. In the beginning you discussed with your partner your needs and wants in a relationship. You let them know what you like and what your goals are. Nevertheless, sometimes in a relationship people do not discuss whether or not if they want sex/intimacy or none at all.
Talk about it at the beginning of a relationship if you are going to be celibate, if you are the type of person that some may consider a prude when it comes to sex, or if you are the type of person who feels there is no relationship without a romp in the sack. Some people have a very high sex drive and actually feel closer to their partner if sex is incorporated. Discuss those things in the beginning to see if you are compatible. I admit there is nothing wrong with a person who wants to be celibate.
If you want to wait until you are married or at least until you are closer to that person in your relationship then by all means stick to what you feel is right. There is no need to pretend to be someone you are not just to please someone else. One thing that annoys me is a person who pretends to be this passionate, erotic person, and then when the time comes for them to walk the walk they are nothing but talk. To me there is nothing worse then being in a relationship with a person who claims to be this “Sex Machine” only to turn out to be “Sad Sam.”
Now if you choose not to have sex then at least let your partner know so they can decide if they want to continue the relationship. If a person loves you then they will respect the fact that you do not want a sexual relationship. It is never ok to dupe a person into being with you. If you are lying and saying, you want to have an intimate relationship but when the time comes, you avoid touching, kissing, hugging, etc. You will make your significant other question whether or not you really want them.
If you are dishonest, it can tear your relationship apart. The best thing to do is to lay all of your cards on the table. After you have stated what it is you feel or want your partner may walk away, or they may stay, you never know. At least respect someone’s right to choose.
A relationship is not right if you have to pretend to be someone you are not, or trick someone. Now I am not saying that sex is the most important thing in a relationship. In order to have a healthy relationship you need to be able to communicate as well as compromise with your partner. Couples need to be honest with each other in order for their relationship to work as well.
Sex is important because it helps to bring two people closer together. Sex is a way for two people to express their love for each other. Intimacy is not necessarily sex. Many men get this all confused. Intimacy is saying loving words; not just before sex, but all day long. In order for a relationship to thrive, men need to understand that if you can make love to a woman’s mind then you will be able to make love to her body.
The biggest sex organ is your mind. Just a little food for thought. The same goes for women, say nice, loving things to your man. Always remember what you won’t do, someone else will. Boost his ego; let him know just how wonderful he is and how proud of him you are. Men need to feel appreciated, just the same as women do. If you don’t compliment your man, he will feel that his efforts and hard work are in vain. Just remember to treat people the way you would want to be treated.
I could go on and on about this subject but I think I will just cut it short and just say that whatever you choose to do in your relationship; whether it is to have sex/intimacy in your relationship or not, just be true to who you are no matter what .You should only do things that you feel you can live with.
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