Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Love Theories: Volume 2 Coming soon :)

   Hi everyone :) I have been away from my blog for quite some time but now I am back to reveal a few interesting details to you. First and foremost, I want to thank those who have purchased and enjoyed my novels. Secondly, I want to thank those who have supported me and kept me motivated.

   My last novel that I published is entitled, "Love Theories: A collection of short erotic tales" In that novel I gave my readers a chance to see what love is really like for various people. Sometimes love may come in the form of self-love (discovering love for ones self) it can also come between people of the same sex. When it comes to this emotion we call love, sometimes the lines are very blurred.

   Take this situation for instance; you have a couple who have been together for a number of years. One person has kept it a secret for a long time that they are interested in bringing in an extra partner. They have kept it a secret because they know that their significant other will not agree to such an arrangement. Now some people will say that if you really love someone you will respect their wishes and never bring in another person to the relationship.

   On the other hand, a person may say that their partner should be open-minded and allow a third wheel to join in with them. Now both people have their reason for wanting what they want. It does not mean they love each other any less, but if they back down for what the other wants and they feel unhappy… Is that truly love?

   Compromising is a big part of a loving relationship. In order for each person to be happy, you have to take a little and give a little. What happens when a person takes more then they give? Well, if that does happen then that is not really love. Love is not being selfish. Not everything in a relationship is for self-gain. There are sacrifices that have to be made.

  Now that I have that little example out of the way, I can show you my point… Lol

   In my novel, I had a story about a lesbian couple. In the story, one of the characters was bi-sexual but kept that hidden from her partner. The partner was in a relationship with her for years but never knew that she was leading a double life where she was engaging in activities with men. Now in that situation the one keeping the secret was being selfish and only thinking about her needs. This is why I say she was selfish. First, she was never truly honest with her partner. She kept a part of herself hidden and led her lover to believe that she only favored the same sex.

  Secondly, her need to fulfill her own intimate desires signifies that she never truly loved her partner, or respected her.  Whether it is a same sex relationship or heterosexual, if a person is only looking out for numero uno they have no clue what love really is, nor are they in love with you.  We can be blinded by the want and need of love that we throw all caution to the wind.  Behaving like this can lead to big mistakes if you are not careful.

     You want to be swept off your feet. You want a love that will last until the end of time. I get that, I feel the same way. However, you must be careful whom you give your heart to in your quest.  Now I am not saying don't take chances. Some of the most loving relationships come about from just going with what your heart says. But, if for any reason, there is that small voice, that little nagging feeling that says “Watch Out” pay attention to it. You can save your self a lot of heartache if you just listen.

Man catches wife cheating 
    In my new novel, the second installment in the Love Theories series, I am going to be taking a different approach. This time around, I am going to show the male side of relationship. Now I know you are thinking. "She is a woman, how does she know what it is like for a man to be in love“. Well after dealing with various guys myself and having many male friends, I have been able to see what it's like when a man really loves, or they are in it just for self.

   You have some men who are just users. This type of guy is just in a relationship or dealing with a "female" just to see how far they can get a head. Let me explain... Some guys don't really have much going for themselves besides charm. They can talk the panties off just about anyone. This guy is a smooth operator, so he weasels in on those women who are book smart. You know the type; she has a good job/business, has a nice car, nice home, but is very naive when it comes to the opposite sex. He sees that she can do fine all by herself, but him being an opportunist, he is going to find the right words to say to get himself into her good graces.

    After trying to charm the woman, he discovers that she has been single for quite some time. She mentions that she has friends who are married and have children. He notices how she discusses that subject with such passion, and then she mentions that she would like a family some day as well. Bingo! There is his target. He must now use what he knows to become "The One". If she wants a husband, he will show himself to be that type of guy. All the while, he knows that is not his true goal. His goal is to get in, take as much as he can, and leave her burned in his wake. That my friends. Is how some people operate.

    Now that was an example of a guy who is just a pure jerk. Now let us talk about those sweet, nice men. The kind of man that gets hurt by a woman of the same jerky caliber, as my opportunist friend I mentioned above. Well this guy, he truly wants love, he pours his heart out to whoever will listen.  He has a ton of female friends, not that he wants to sleep with them. No, they are his friends so he can learn what to do right when his Mrs. Right comes along.

   He learns from their relationships about what their guys did wrong so he will not make the same mistake. He listens to how they cry wishing their men were nice and sweet. He takes all of that in for when he has someone to love. Is this guy sappy you may ask? No. Is he really into women? Yes. There is nothing wrong with our guy he is just simply a gentleman, a nice guy, a rarity in this day in age.

   Since he is so loving when Mrs. Right now comes along… let's give her a name, let’s call her Alisha. When Alisha comes along he think that his kindness and loving heart will be what she needs and wants. I mean since his female friends all want a guy like him, Alisha will too.  Little does he know that the very demure looking Alisha is really a scalawag (rat, hoodbean, chickenhead for a better term). She doesn't truly care if he is nice or not. All that matters is that he is breathing, he has a penis, and he makes "That Bread".  Now our sweet gentleman is drawn in my Alisha’s charms. She seems to have so much in common with him. She seems like the type he will take home to mom.

   Alisha makes sure she says all the right things. She says she is looking for love. She tells him that she wishes she could have a man who understands her and appreciates her. This type of woman makes me cringe. Lol Well Little Ms. Alisha has our guy, and they begin to go out. Well lets move forward about 6 months. Our friend is falling for Alisha and hard and she knows it. He takes her out, shows her off to his friends even introduce her to his parents. He believes that after this short time he may have found the woman of his dreams.

   Alisha sometimes doesn't answer when he calls, but he knows she is busy with school and work. So she says. He wants to come by and visit her at her house, she always makes an excuse that her "roommate" doesn't like male company over and that meeting at his house is best. All of these things our nice guy overlooks.  A year into the relationship, our gentleman begins to feel a little wary. He never gets to stop by her place; he always has to be the one who calls. She rarely returns his texts. Now someone may think he is being a little edgy for nothing. I mean Alisha has a job and goes to school. She is busy. Well... our little Ms. Right now has been lying to our friend the entire time. She does not go to school; she does not even have a job. Oh, and her |"Roommate" is a guy, who is actually the father of her 2 year old son!

   Now you say that is just not reality. No man is just that naive to be with a woman and believe everything like that. Well it is sad but true. In this life, any and everybody can play the fool sometime. It just depends on how long you enjoy playing that role. Some people know they are not loved, but they just continue on living a lie, just for the sake of having someone.  All relationships come with sacrifice, compromise. It is your choice if that relationship involves honesty.  I'm not saying that every person is out to get someone, just be wise that not everyone is who they profess to be.

   In Love Theories Volume 1, I did have a story that involved a person pretending to be who they weren't just to get what they wanted.  In volume 2, I am going to take it to a whole other level.

   Well I suppose that is all I want to say for now. I could have written an entire book on just that Alisha character... hey I just might. Lol

Later guys.. xoxo
