Monday, June 25, 2012

My Brief Introduction Video on Youtube

Hi everyone. This is just a little post to let you all know that I have decided to make videos for my youtube channel. This channel will be about me as an author, my writing and also other things that come to my mind. I suppose you can call it my vlog! Well that is all for now. I hope you enjoy the channel.


Friday, June 8, 2012

I just happened to come across...

Today while looking through many of my old poems I came across a few I wrote when I was experiencing heartbreak. I took the time to read them aloud just to get the feel of what I was going through at that stage in my life. It was very powerful to me because I can look back on those times and remember all the pain and the tears I shed while pouring out my little heart and soul onto a piece of paper with my pen. Now that I can reflect on those writings and think back to those relationships, I can see that I am so much stronger and wiser. I am actually glad that I can read these poems and just realize how far I have come. I am going to post two of the poems so you may read them and maybe relate. I hope you enjoy.


"Nothing Love"

I fell in love with nothing.

I fell in love with the idea of you.

I fell in love with something that was just a figment of my imagination.

You were never there. No, you were never present.

However, in my mind I painted pictures of you,

mere images that would deceive me into thinking that "Golden Carriages",

being led by white horses, would carry you and I away off into the beautiful

sunsets, that only a poor soul like me can imagine.

You see I fell in love with nothing.

I fell in love with the sheer idea of you.

I fell in love with something that was clearly untrue.

I fell in love with nothing love,

the day I fell in love with you!

My Future

My future is so bright. Your future is so blue. You see my future is so much clearer because it does not involve you. The sun will shine on me while the rain pours down on you. My heart will sing happily while your heart will weep many tears. I will have romantic love for decades while you will have heartache for years.

It is such a shame when you could have brought happiness your way, but your future turned dark when you pushed my love away. It could have been really sweet you see, but now your heart will be dry like the desert, no love to quench its thirst. When you lost out on me, a winner was born; the next man shall be blessed with my love while you will be scorned. 

    I look forward to my future; you should cling to the past. That is the only way that your mistakes will never come to pass. Live in the past where your lies have not manifested. Live where you cannot taste the bile of mere rejection. Live where the sun does not shine. As for me, I am perfectly fine. My future is lovely because you are not a part of it.

(This is a poem of mine that was published for the site  in April of 2010)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

$Is Money$... Love?

Hi everyone, this particular post is basically something I need to get off my chest. It seems to me that many people have a distorted view of what love really is. Some people confuse lust for love. Some people confuse money for love. Money for Love you may ask?

Yes. Many people think that money equals love. Some individuals think that if they give a person enough things that it means they are showing them how much they love them. Sadly, in many relationship men (and women) think that they can buy someone affections, or they think that they can give their partner enough things with even showing true affection or compassion. I personally know the feeling of wanting just the person I am with, and not a gift or some fancy restaurants.

 It reminds me of a Mary J Blige song from a couple years ago called “Give Me You”. I can relate to this song because of my relationship. No matter how I tried to explain that I would rather have him and not things, he just did not seem to understand. If a person says simply like the songs says, "Give me you" then that is what you should do. Money can only buy you temporary happiness. However, once the money is gone, what is left?

You may be rich and have all of your money, but you can be all alone. Many people in this world have nothing but their money. They have no "Real Friends" they have no “Real Family” and no one to love. The reason I put those things in quotations is because you may have friends or family still around, but they may be lingering around just to profit off you.

I could go on and on about this subject, because it really angers me and at the same time makes me sad. Some people just cannot see that a real person in your life does not care about the materialistic things you can give them. A person who really loves and cares about you will be with you whether you are penniless or not. You should never substitute Money for Love. If a person says that those things do not matter then pay attention to that person's feelings or you may end up alone, with only your money to comfort you.

Another song that came to my mind after writing this is the cover song by Blackstreet "Money Can't Buy Me Love"